Thursday 15 January 2015


Everyone's skin is different, whether it be dry, oily, combination, acne prone etc. , and it is quite important that what you use on your face caters to your skin type. 

Having acne prone skin (the joys of being a teenager) can be difficult as sometimes skincare products can work really well - or be a total disaster, and unfortunately you won't know how your skin reacts to them until you try it out.

I have tried a ridiculous amount of things to try and improve my skin a bit, but hadn't found anything that really worked until I found these products (Amen!). They have been working so well for me and my skin is the clearest it has been in a long time. I still have marks from previous spots, but I really complain.

Here's what I use on my face:

Nspa Melting Gel Cleanser: This is great for all skin types and is really gentle.
The Body Shop Tea Tree Facial Toner: I love using this in the morning as it really wakes you up and it is amazing for clearing up spots.
Lush Angels On Bare Skin: I think this is what has made the most difference on my skin, it's amazing. It's a cleanser/exfoliator with lavender and almonds so it's really calming but I love it as an exfoliator, it has cleared up my skin amazingly.
The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion & Bio Oil: I always used the moisturizer on its own, but it started to dry my skin out a little when the weather got colder, so i started mixing it with bio oil and I love it! The bio oil is so moisturizing but it doesn't make my skin oily, and it also helps fade acne scars which is a bonus.

Hope this can help a few of you out!
xo, Orlagh

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