Thursday 15 January 2015


Everyone's skin is different, whether it be dry, oily, combination, acne prone etc. , and it is quite important that what you use on your face caters to your skin type. 

Having acne prone skin (the joys of being a teenager) can be difficult as sometimes skincare products can work really well - or be a total disaster, and unfortunately you won't know how your skin reacts to them until you try it out.

I have tried a ridiculous amount of things to try and improve my skin a bit, but hadn't found anything that really worked until I found these products (Amen!). They have been working so well for me and my skin is the clearest it has been in a long time. I still have marks from previous spots, but I really complain.

Here's what I use on my face:

Nspa Melting Gel Cleanser: This is great for all skin types and is really gentle.
The Body Shop Tea Tree Facial Toner: I love using this in the morning as it really wakes you up and it is amazing for clearing up spots.
Lush Angels On Bare Skin: I think this is what has made the most difference on my skin, it's amazing. It's a cleanser/exfoliator with lavender and almonds so it's really calming but I love it as an exfoliator, it has cleared up my skin amazingly.
The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion & Bio Oil: I always used the moisturizer on its own, but it started to dry my skin out a little when the weather got colder, so i started mixing it with bio oil and I love it! The bio oil is so moisturizing but it doesn't make my skin oily, and it also helps fade acne scars which is a bonus.

Hope this can help a few of you out!
xo, Orlagh

My social medias:
Instagram - @_orlaghmccloskey 
Twitter - @_orlaghmarie


  1. I've heard good things about bio oil, great idea mixing it with the lotion!


  2. Hi Orlagh,

    Nice post! I have always been hesitant to use the Bio Oil afraid it will break me out. DO you think it will be okay to use it even when acne prone?

    Jo of

    1. I used to think the exact same, until I read that sometimes putting oil on oily skin actually counteracts the oilyness! It may have different effects on certain people, as no ones skin is the same, but it's definitely worth trying :)!

  3. I never really thought about mixing oil like that with my moisturizer. That is a great tip and probably the best way to spread it equally around your skin.

  4. There are some quite nasty ingredients in many of the mainstream big brand name skincare and cosmetics products on our shelves. Beauty tips for face

  5. There are also a number of products that are on the market that make use of essential oils to give your skin a fresh look. Click this site


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