Sunday 21 January 2018

I Needed A Break...

I'm aware it's very late to be saying this, but happy new year! I hope you had the best Christmas and ate shit tons of food like I did. Another thing I did was just completely chilled out and took a break from any responsibilities. 

I guess that's really why I'm writing this. Just before the Christmas break I was doing vlogmas for the first time and I enjoyed it so much. Not only did it get me really excited for Christmas but it helped distract me in the week or two I had left in Bristol before getting to go home for the break. I really think that if I didn't have vlogging to focus on, the days would've dragged as I was anxiously waiting for the day I could fly home. 

I was really in the groove of it, but as soon as I got home the flow just stopped. I still recorded some footage in my first few days back home, but I just struggled to find the time to edit it. I was more focused on catching up with my friends who I hadn't seen in months and appreciating some quality time with my family. While I was annoyed at myself for not finishing vlogmas, I said to myself that I should't feel pressured to upload anything. It takes the enjoyment out of doing this when you feel like it's a chore.

And so I decided to just take a little break from social media for a while, and I'm so glad I did. I was able to enjoy the time I had with my family and friends so much more. I wasn't mindlessly scrolling through instagram but instead I was playing stupid board games with my family and laughing so much that my stomach hurt. By the end of the break, I came back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the tasks in the New Year.

If you're ever feeling a bit swamped by social media, please take a break. I know it's a lot harder than it sounds but it is genuinely so good for the soul. You'll be able to think more clearly and solve any issues that you didn't have time to dwell on before because you were more concerned about what you next instagram post was going to be.

I think I'd like to start doing this every month. Just delete my apps and detox for a few days. Read, write and be present to those around me. Enjoy life. Look more at my surroundings. I encourage you to do this as well and you'll feel so refreshed and much happier.

I'd love to do more reading and writing this year because it really does make me happier than looking at boring, negative and uninspiring content. Do more of the things that make you enjoy life. 

Over the Christmas break my main focus was the new film camera I got. I took it as an opportunity to test out film photography for the first time and get out in nature a bit more. I got the photos developed the other day and although they're a bit shitty (it was my first time so I'm not too bothered), they hold a lot of fun memories that I'll be able to look back on. Here are a few of my faves:

I hope you have lots of love and happiness in 2018!!

Much love,
Orlagh xx

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