Friday 10 April 2015


First of all, I apologize for the lack of blog posts recently, I hate making excuses but I have my GCSE's next month so studying for them is my top priority at the minute. Don't worry though, I'll be posting loads in the summer!

My old face wash ran out (Nspa melting gel cleanser), so I thought I would pick up something a little different. I liked the look of this Clean & Clear face wash because it seemed that it would be very energizing and help wake me up a bit in the morning.

Clean&Clear always get it spot on with their packaging, as it is very colourful and eye-catching, which I personally really like. (who wants all boring colourless bottles?) 
The bottle is what drew me in at the start, as I just bought it randomly and had never heard anyone talk about it. This is really strange for me because usually I will do some serious research on reviews for a product before I buy it.

What it says on their website:
'This unique gel cleanser with Vitamin C and Ginseng wakes you up with a fresh citrus scent while soft BURSTING BEADS® burst with energy and vitamins, leaving your skin feeling clean, energized and ready to face the day.'

I do agree with what they say to a certain extent. It definitely makes your skin feel clean, and it feels nice and refreshing in the morning. What I would say is that I expected it to be a lot more energizing than what it is, but it is still a really good face wash and it makes your skin feel fresh.

It has a gel-like consistency, which I quite like for face washes. Since I have oily/combination skin, I used to think that foaming cleansers would be the best choice, but they actually really dry out my skin, so gel cleansers are great for combination skin. 

I was quite surprised when it didn't go foamy, and it was quite hard to form a lather. I don't mind this however, as it still made my face really clean.

As you can see in the picture, it has orange beads through the cleanser, which apprently 'burst with energy and vitamins'. Personally, I think things like this are just a gimmick and don't really make a difference, but maybe it does - i'm not a skincare professional!

Overall, I really like this face wash, and I would highly recommend it to anyone with oily to combination skin types. You can't really go wrong as it is only £3.49, and I do think it is amazing for the price.

xo, Orlagh


  1. Great post! I have been using Neutragena Pink Grapefruit daily facial scrub which I love, but I think I am going to have to try this out after reading your post! xxx


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