Friday 1 July 2016

Relax... It's Summer!

For most people, exams are over and it's officially summer, so just relax, take a deep breath, and smile - you have two whole months to do whatever the fuck u want!!

One thing I want to stress is that you shouldn't overthink how your exams went. I know that it's natural instinct to go back over what you wrote in the exam and check if you done the right thing, but sometimes that does more harm than good - just forget about them rather than making yourself feel like crap about writing the wrong answer because at the end of the day, it isn't going to affect/change your grade.

Instead of worrying about results, just go out and enjoy summer, do the things you love, and most importantly relax! Your brain's probably been on overdrive for the last 2 months so it's important to take a breather. Do something or go somewhere that puts your mind at ease. I went to the waterfall near my house because I find it so peaceful, and then went to my caravan for the weekend to chill out and get a bit of an internet detox.

While I don't think it's a good idea to overthink your exams, I still think it's important to reflect and put things into perspective. It's important to realize that if you get bad grades, it really isn't the end of the world! The pressure put on students these days is ridiculous and we're made to think that these exams are a test of our intelligence and that they determine our future, but as long as you have tried your very best it shouldn't matter because a bad grade does not mean you are stupid.

Instead of worrying about what you should've done, reward yourself for all your hard work and have the best summer ever!! Take it as an opportunity to spend more time with your friends and family, or maybe even start a new hobby. Always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or maybe how to paint? Do it! You have nothing to lose and it'll help pass the time during summer.

I know sometimes doing fun things in summer can be expensive, but there are so many things you can do that are cheap/free and you can still have an amazing time. I think the best thing to do is take advantage of where you live; If you live near a beach, go there all the time; if there are nice scenic walks where you live, go for a walk; if you live near/in a city, act like a tourist for the day, visiting parts of the city you wouldn't usually go to. Here are some articles I've found which have great ideas of what do in summer that wont break the bank:

I hope you have an amazing summer!
xo, Orlagh

1 comment

  1. Wish I have a waterfall near my place as well. I'm living in the city,
    You are so lucky :))


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