Tuesday 19 July 2016

The Next Chapter...

I've been a bit AWOL when it comes to blogging recently, but I have a reason - I finally started my youtube channel!

I remember when being 11 or 12 and discovering one of Michelle Phan's transformation videos on youtube (I think it might've been Barbie) and was just in awe of how talented she was and how fun the video was to watch. With suggestions for other videos popping up along the sidebar, I slowly got drawn into the wonderful vortex of youtube, discovering so many more people making great videos. 

I fell in love with it so quickly, discovering people like Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter, getting really excited when a new video had been uploaded. I admired the confidence and positivity these people had, when the thought crossed my mind of 'what if I could do that?' but quickly put it out of my mind as it was a stupid idea.

4 years on from that, I still wanted to badly to share my creativity, tips and ideas but never had enough confidence to open my laptop and start typing. That was until I ended up in hospital being quite ill. I was lucky however, and I'm sort of glad of it in a way as reality check to stop waiting for something and just do it. Being housebound for a couple of months to heal and rest gave me the perfect opportunity to start blogging.

I was never really a confident, fully happy person, so by posting reviews or get the looks, a comment really brightened up my day and put me in such a better mood. That's why I know realize how important it is to pursue what you're passionate about, as it can have such a positive impact on your life.

This blog has been so fun for me the past year, but for me it was always something  I wanted to do to help me build up the confidence to start youtube - and now it has! I'm so excited for this new chapter and while it may not amount to anything (I might hate it for all I know) I can at least say that I gave it a go and followed my heart.

In terms of content, I want to focus a lot more on fashion and lifestyle as opposed to beauty, as I always struggled to post good fashion blog posts and I feel that the ideas I have in my head will be portrayed a lot better through video. I will still post here from time to time as sometimes there's nothing I love more than writing a spontaneous blog post.

So without making you read my boring, rambly thoughts any longer, here is my first video.
It would really mean a lot to me if you subscribed as there will be many more fun videos to come!


xo, Orlagh


  1. Hey! I had no idea you had a blog! Been loving your YouTube, excited to discover your blog! Wow- it's really amazing, I love the theme! Been watching all of your videos- and I'm subscribed!
    Sophie x

  2. So sorry (me again!) I was wondering about your blog- do you make money from it with adverts and things, I've had a Victoria's Secret advert pop up! I'm looking into it for my blog, is it just Google ad-sense? Some advice would be really appreciated, if you have the time! No worries if not!

    Reply on my blog, if it isn't too much trouble, as I'm far more likely to see it!

    Sophie xx


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