Sunday 8 October 2017

It's Time For A Change

Hey everyone! It's been a while, I know, but I've had a big life change recently and I wanted to get myself organized and basically get my life together before I got back onto my blog and youtube channel. 

A lot has changed so I thought it was only right that my creative outlets did as well. 

About a month ago I made a big move across the water at Bristol to study Fashion Communication at UWE. It's been tough moving so far away from home, but I feel like it's the right place for me to be at the minute. f things don't work out it and I want to move back home it isn't the end of the world, but all I can do is give it a try. This is an excellent opportunity for me and I worked really hard to get here; I'm really excited to be on the path to a career in fashion which I have wanted for such a long time!

The course is basically for the 'behind the scenes' aspect of fashion (or at least that's how I like to explain it). It takes into account things like photography, styling, journalism, PR, business and loads more! It's a great course for people who want a career in fashion but don't want to do design or textiles. At the minute our projects are very much photography based which I'm not complaining about as photography is one of my favourite hobbies. Although the course is pretty fast paced, I still can't believe that doing something I love and find fun can be considered 'work'. It's such a change from A levels!

I'm currently living in uni accommodation which is pretty good. I'm right in the city centre which is a major bonus, but also very bad for me because it means I'm really close to all the good shops which is extremely tempting!

I'm getting slightly off topic now, but I just wanted to make this post to explain that my blog and youtube channel will be getting some slight changes. For one, I have changed the name to 'The Fashion Student' as I feel it suits me better for this time in my life and will help me stick to a certain niche. Also, if you're a bit confused by some posts titled 'critical thinking' or 'visual culture' just ignore them, they are blog posts I have to write for my course!

'Orlagh Marie' was essentially a year of experimentation which I absolutely loved. It helped me work out what kind of videos I do/don't like. From now on you can expect lots more fashion + lifestyle videos/posts! I have a few exciting ideas for series so definitely stay tuned!!

Lots of love,
Orlagh xx

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